
Category Archives

Sitting on the Dock of the Bay

I think Otis Redding’s plane went down in the Milwaukee Bay in 1967. If anybody out there knows for sure, please let me know.  I don’t know where this is taking me, but i did want to bring up that we have a guitar for public consumption and as Gina says it’s behind the door in the gift shop.  Guitar Dan (pictured above with blushing bride Betsy) helped us pick out a very fine inexpensive […]

Ira Alert

Lots of folks have been asking about ‘the’ Ira.  He is not in jail, he has not passed away and all other rumors have been greatly exaggerated.  Though he did marry a Methodist – what is the world coming to?  Betsey, Ira’s lovely blushing bride, says that she is a non-practicing Methodist.  I think she is a ‘recovering’ Methodist.  Okay, enough about the Methodist.  As you can see from the picture, Ira is doing quite […]

‘Regulaaaars’ Customer Appreciation

Post by on May 19, 2009

We, the Eden House, would like to say thanks for all your support over the years. You are who we refer to as the ‘regulaaaars’. We would like to give a little bit back. Yep and there is nothing to buy. Put your information (name, address, phone number and email address) on a postcard and send it to us. We will draw out a card every so often for a 4 day stay in a […]