
Category Archives

No Need To Wash Your Hands Just Your Fruit

Fruits and vegetables, whether from the garden or from the store, may have bacteria and other illness-causing pathogens on their surface. Many stores sell expensive sprays meant to disinfect the produce safely, but you can use plain white vinegar instead. The acids in vinegar kills up to 98 percent of bacteria, according to a test performed by Cook’s Illustrated. Washing the produce properly also prevents the vinegar from leaving behind a sour taste. Instructions Things […]

Music To Our Ears

    Friends walk up to me on the street every day (both of them) and ask, “do you still have that old guitar at the hotel?”  And I always answer the same, “yep.” For those of you that want to visit the Eden House and do a little pickin’ while you are here – we have the answer.  We keep an old acoustic behind the door in the gift shop…so help yourself.  If you […]

Tip of The Week……

Tips to reduce cell phone radiation – Give your phone some space. It shouldn’t have been a big shock last week when the World Health Organization categorized cell phones as possible “carcinogenic hazard”. User manuals typically advise against direct contact. Holding a cell phone 2 inches from your ear reduces the radiation “by a factor of four”. – Get Wired. using a wired earpiece can cut radiation even more. If you’re worried about low-level radiation […]

Baby on Board

Kellen James Lockwood – click for video Born on Easter Sunday at 4:21pm, 8 lbs 10 oz and 21 inches long. We are so glad that the cigarette he was holding was not lit when he was born.  This Grandpa stuff is pretty cool. Yep, you can only imagine what these newsletters are going to be like from now on – The Bradster updates and now Kellen James. Hold on to your hats, more to […]

Does Anybody Know This Guy?

This guy wandered in over a week ago and we are not really sure who he is. He seems to have lost his memory and all he says is – Awesome man. If anyone recognizes Awesome Man please contact us or the authorities. As he left the hotel today I heard him say, “back on the freeway which is already in progress.”

Like Helping The Little Old Lady Across The Street

I’d like to pass along something I recently learned from a  now deceased mime. If you are a secret agent, or have multiple mistresses or misterstresses this will be of great importance to you. When emailing multiple people always use “BCC” (Blind Carbon Copy).  What this means is if you send an email to many people it appears you are sending it to one person and makes each individual feel special and dosn’t put there […]

Sitting on the Dock of the Bay

I think Otis Redding’s plane went down in the Milwaukee Bay in 1967. If anybody out there knows for sure, please let me know.  I don’t know where this is taking me, but i did want to bring up that we have a guitar for public consumption and as Gina says it’s behind the door in the gift shop.  Guitar Dan (pictured above with blushing bride Betsy) helped us pick out a very fine inexpensive […]

‘In response to all this shit weather’

This shit weather has got me to thinking. Besides being the a royal pain in the kiester, it is creating some ‘snow days’. So if you get stuck in Key West rather than Atlanta or any other airport for that matter, with proof of course, and we have the space available, how does half off on your room sound? Yep, we will offer the night you are stuck at half the normal rate (not discounted), […]

Some more of Heaven

A little insider info – Bonnie & Clyde Restaurant (their site is a work in progress). These guys are great. I’ve been saying for years, “all Key West needs is some Creole food and the island will be perfect.” Well we have it now and I can’t say enough about the food, the service and the ambiance. Not to mention a full liquor license. The only drawback is that they are located in new town. […]

Another one bites the dust

Yep, the Blond Giraffe is leaving our lovely island. They said biz was down over 10% and they are closing all five locations on the island. Yikes! Five locations? The island is 4.5 by 1.5 miles. Not a great business plan, you think? Have no fear, we still have Kermits and he makes a hell of pie. Not to mention the chocolate covered pie on a stick. Kermit is on the corners of Green and […]