News in a Nutshell
Bob Germany Update | Eden House Update | Watch what you Spray!
Tom Cocoran's New Book | Fantasy Fest Webcams | Bits of Humor

Help is on the Way!

It's about time to get off my 'duff' and get back in touch with the gang. I am inspired by a little '? and the Mysterians'. '96 Tears' and a cold Dr. Pepper, does it get any better than that? Don't answer! Time for some updates. If you are busy just dump this in the trash – I will understand.

ATTENTION – Bob Germany is still alive! The 'crazy' S.O.B. had his final surgery a couple weeks back and it doing great. Mary (Bob's wife) and I are amazed at how the old bird just keeps on Truckin'. Bob has been through so much. He and Mary have moved to the mainland and enjoying the life of leisure. Jim (our new old employee) bought their houseboat. He says he will get a web cam for the sunsets in the not too distant future. You know us here in the Keys. It could be years. Bob will be down over the first weekend in November. He will be holding court by the pool daily. Bring beer (will talk/BS for beer). Yep, lots of BS and war stories. Ask him about the one that got away. If you are down that weekend – bring you 'waders'. It will be deep. Bob said he especially misses the early November crowd. Could it be the..........? Girl Scout cookies?

We are wrapping up Bob's fund raiser. With your help we have raised over $6,000. If anyone wants to take a crack at one of the THREE pretty nice prizes – get up off a little green. Thanksgiving will be a good time to make the drawings. Bob wanted me to tell everyone how much he appreciates your support. Between me and you, he had a bit of a tear in eye.

I just told Elizabeth that I am working on a newsletter and she broke out laughing. All joking aside, she is turning out to be one heck of a manager. Katherine is running the front desk. It so nice that it is a bit more 'cosmic'. I think of her as the 'chill princess'. Pasha, Leon and Barbara are still keeping the ants at bay in housekeeping. You know the tropics.

We are making some major improvements to the Eden House. I won't go into detail. If I under shoot our expectations I don't want anyone knowing what visions of grandeur we had. Let's just say I have had another 'brain fart'. It made sense in the shower.

I know a lot of pictures are missing from the 'family album' and we are working on that. We have all the pictures and a lot more. It is just taking us a bit of time. Sorry.

On a more serious note. I am a Lysol freak. I spray everything. My office, my car and any room I ever stay in. Even my house. Well, I am off the Lysol and am going to write them and inform them of this fact.

Check out the below links and WATCH WHAT YOU SPRAY!


On a lighter note. Tom Cocoran is coming to town with his new book, "Key West in Black and White". The book is of Key West in the 70's and is a must for old farts. The "Key West in Black and White" exhibit will be at the Key West Art and Historical Society's Custom House Museum until January 2nd. Tom will be at the opening, November 2nd from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. The showing will take place during the Parrothead convention and Parrotheads will be granted free admission. Stop by and get your signed copy. If you can't make it to the showing or the exhibit have no fear, I will have a link to my page's 'Missing Links'. It will take you to the publisher web address where you can order copies. I will also have copies in the Eden House gift shop.

Matt is setting up a camera for the street parade in front of the Eden House this Friday (October 26th). Check it out if you think of it. For more Fantasy Fest coverage check out the webcams on liveduvalstreet.com/fantasyfest.

Here are a couple bits of humor I would like to share with you.

Gary says, "things are getting better, he thinks". Where have I heard that before?

See ya soon, Mike and the gang

To quote Marlon Brando from 'Missouri Breaks', "Do you know why life is like a mountain railway? You never know what sleazy son of a bitch has his hands on the throttle." I just thought I would throw that in.