News in a Nutshell
Fundraiser for Bob Germany | Poolside Art Show | Coconut Telegraph

Hi Guys!

Lots of changes at Eden House. Maggie has left for greener pastures and Cheyenne and Elizabeth have taken the reigns. Jim Heika has returned to us from the tundra of Michigan. Jim has been gone for longer than I will admit. He will be Gary's right hand man in the maintenance department. I think Gary is left handed. Jim swears that he knows the difference between a 'male' and a 'female' plug. We will see. This is my 32nd year in the saddle. Sometimes I feel as though I have been ridden hard and hung up wet to dry. Still having fun.

We have a couple new ladies at the desk that I hope they are still with us by the time you get this note. They are Sarah and Sabrina. They are top notch but don't tell them that for awhile. Go easy on them - for at least a month. NO MORE!

As for the new web site, we are still 'cranking it out'. Key West style - real slow. Matt (our tech wreck) is getting us set up with two new 6.0 DSL lines as well as new cameras. This should speed up the wireless on the property and make our new cameras run faster - that is the plan. Cheyenne is finishing up the pictures of the rooms and that will complete the 'Magical Mystery Tour'. We will have a picture of each room on the property. Hot stuff.

This past December Cheyenne helped sail a 125 foot Gaff Topsail Schooner, which is a replica of a Grand Banks Fishing Schooner (she says). They sailed from Mystic, Connecticut to Charleston, South Carolina. Crazy kids. Do they get this from their parents? Gary went to Australia for three weeks in December. Yes....he did return. I was just starting to miss him, too. He says, "things are getting better, he thinks." Don't ask.

Went to see David Bromberg a few weeks ago. He was with Tom Rush and the Angel Band. Jonathan Edwards was in town and did a few songs. Yes, he did "Sunshine". Unbelievable show. David has been making violins in Delaware for the past twenty years or so and just started performing again. He recently released a CD, his first in 17 years. It is him doing songs that he has been singing forever and had never released. He is a must see. I am hoping to see him again in the near future.

The Key West Literary Society will be renting the Eden House in it's entirety from January 10, 2008 until January 20, 2008 for their 26th annual Key West Literary Seminar. If you would like to attend and stay at the Eden House contact Miles. Some of the conferences will be held here and many, if not all the writers will be staying at the Eden.

I think Priscilla has flown the coop. Pasha is just starting to get over it. I keep telling her that Priscilla got a better offer and Pasha just looks at me like I am stupid. What's New? About a month ago Priscilla just walked out the door and never looked back. She had to be around 20 years old (human years). We all miss her and know that she has gone to a better place. She had a great run.

We are doing a fund raiser for Bob Germany and I hope you will help.

I am sure a lot of you remember the 'good old boy' from Texas that worked the front desk. He's the bald dud that never gave you a straight answer and often it bordered on a 'ration of shit'. Come to think of it, he could spin a pretty good yarn too. Bob took reservations for us from his houseboat for several years after he left the front desk. He and Mary, his wife, have had a pretty rough time of it these past couple years and we want to help by raising some money. All the money will be going to Mary and Bob and I know they will appreciate it. I have included an email from Mary which helps explain what they have gone through these past few years. She says it much better than I could. Check out Bob's fundraiser, some good stuff. Stays at the Eden House, dining at Cafe Med, time on the water with
Sebago and Danger Charters and a beautiful piece of art by Heather Clark, framed by the master, Doug Mansur.

Heather Clark is having a showing around the Eden House pool on February 16th from 5:30 Pm until 9 PM.

She is the lady the who created the 'Orange Gecko' on the sun deck overlooking the pool area. This is Heather's first showing in Key West and her new work is off the charts. If you can't make this showing she will be back March 16th, same time, same station. I am breaking down and getting red and white wine for the occasion. I know you 'winers' will enjoy that.

Now it is time for me to Piss and Moan a bit. I hate it when those damn credit card companies send letters in the mail telling me that I am pre-approved. Just sign and send it back in the postage paid envelope. I have been shredding the letter and sending back the empty envelopes.

Let them pay the postage. Today I got checks in the mail with my name on them from a bank that I don't have an account with. Wow, the nerve! Why not join me - send the envelopes back empty. Maybe they will figure it out if enough empty envelopes get returned.

Talk to Us! on the Coconut Telegraph

So we built a blog on our website for all you guys to talk to us and to each other.
Click here to check it out. Make up a username and register yourself. Click on General Board Topics and find a topic to talk about.

You'll see some funny stuff here!

That's about it at this end of the world. Remember what George Castanza said, - the 'shrinkage' was caused by the cold. So stay warm.

Love and miss ya, Mike and the gang