October 2016



Take Two of These and Call Me in the Morning

Time we catch up.  Is this  election driving you as whacko as it is me?  Please go easy  on the booze and meds....It will be over soon.
 I stumbled onto this web site and I love  it.  It separates fact from fiction at the movies.  It seemed to fit when I wrote it.

Always Better to Be Lucky Than Good

 Hurricane Matthew spared Monroe County and  Key West as you well know.  If you’ve got a couple extra  dollars maybe consider a hurricane relief fund... The east coast and Haiti could use a little help. We always research our charities at Charity Navigator. It will give you detailed information about different charities so you know that your money going to a good cause and not a week here in Key West. Not that a week in Key West is not good cause,,, If it's you doing it?

The Odds are Good But the Goods are Odd

 I want to bring you  up to speed with the Key West happenings in the near  future.  The  Hometown Christmas Parade is a favorite for locals and have floats created by anyone from the local schools to The Muriel's and will take place on December 3rd. It starts at Bayview park and goes the length of Duval Street. Get a spot at your favorite Duval street restaurant, kick back and open a bar tab. The lighted bike ride takes place on December 7. They leave  from Bayview Park and end at the end of Duval Street. Make sure to bring some fun decorations for your bikes. The lighted Boat Parade is on December 10th and is at The Historic Seaport a few blocks from The Eden House. The Nutcracker is at the Tennessee Williams Theater from the 10th to the18th.  Yes, it has a Key West flavor.

Do You Come Here Often?

September Special
 Here are some events we would love for you to join us for at The Eden House.
Our tree trimming party will be on December 2nd  and will include the usual fare: cookies and treats,  champagne and spiced rum and a dash of inspiration.
The 23rd annual Eden House Holiday Train ride (tour of the Christmas lights) will be held on December 17th.  We will meet in our  lobby at 6 and the train shoves off at 7PM.  Munchies will consist of meat and cheese platters, fruit platters, cookies, baked goods, champagne and  Elizabeth’s famous spiced rum.  There will be two trains with lots of space but we do ask that you sign up in  advance.
Christmas Eve we will be having bubbly, snacks and cookies  in the lobby at 6PM….. Please join us.
 New Years Eve we will have our usual get together.  Besides Jim and Kathy  Smola, we will have our bottomless trough of champagne with  fruit nectars, finger foods (please use a fork), chips and  dip and whatever else we have laying around in the back  room.



Most of Everything We Say is True

Please make sure to follow us on our Facebook page. Periodically we will be doing giveaways such as Dolphins tickets, Michigan State  Football Tickets, Eden House gift certificates and much more.  Plus you can follow what's new at The Eden House and catch glimpses of your favorite Key West spot.

Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness (double check under your nails and behind your ears)      

 We have added a new outdoor shower to 302. There ain’t nothing like a refreshing shower outdoors under the palm fronds as the clouds float by in the breeze.  We now have outdoor showers for suites: 302, 303, 402 and 403.  I wouldn’t be surprised if another one or two pop up in the not too distant future.  Guests are constantly telling me how much they enjoy the experience of the showers.  Alex Rutledge wouldn’t take an apartment in Key West if it didn’t have an outdoor shower. 






The Cat Is Out Of The Bag

Some of you might have noticed that Elizabeth is not around anymore.  She is still with us....indirectly.  She is still with us....kinda like a spiritual overseer.  She bought a house in Cocoa Beach, a couple blocks from the ocean and working on some top secret asignments for the Eden House.  As they develop and hopefully come to fruition we will pass them along.  I am trying to make this as mysterious as possible to try and hold your interest....is it working?  She will be the ongoing saga of Elizabeth from this day forth.  Every so often she will pop in at the Eden House and spread a little joy and talk about how it was in the old days.  The second half of the tale is the next paragraph.
NEWS FLASH.... Randy is coming back to The Eden House as our new General Manager. I know you're as happy as I am. It looks like Christmas came early to The Eden House.... Thanks Santa.


As usual it is always our pleasure,
Mike & Staff
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