June 2015




 Jack Benny was 39 years old every birthday.
Eden House is turning forty (39) this year and to celebrate you can book any room  in the month of September for 40% off! Give us a call to book! Some restrictions do apply.
* -Stay 3 or more nights and get our new, 40th anniversary limited edition t-shirt.
* -Stay 7 nights and get the t-shirt and a bottle of our limited edition champagne or wine.
 Our 40th anniversary t-shirt was designed by Lisa Grubb, an old friend from the early days in Key West.
*Only one discount per reservation
*Friday and Saturday stays require a 2 night  minimum
*Not valid on holidays or special events
 Eden House will be donating 5% of our gross sales for the month of September to The Florida Keys Healthy Start. The Eden House will hence forth be donating 5% of our sales to a local charity every Septmeber.



Has anyone ever seen or heard of the movie, ‘The Terror of Tiny Town’? I first stumbled on it in a Guinness Book of Records and the movie was listed as one of the ten worst  movies of all time. I was a bit under the influence and  perhaps that’s why I was intrigued by  it. I’m going to leave it at that… click on this link to watch a bit of it on Youtube… or not. It’s not in my list of ten worst movies and it’s not in my list of ten favorites but I was entertained. Oh yeah, it’s a musical western from 1938 at a cost of $100,000 and I especially like the barroom fight scene.  


 This wraps up my music give away. I love the cards you guys sent in. I got turned on to some new artists and was reminded of those first albums that we all bought many years ago. I think I paid $3.98 for my first  album back in the early 60’s.
Winners are as follows:
 Jack & Teresa Blakley
 Steve Kulesia
 Gary Boggs
 Karlene Dolder
 Brian Wilson
 Spencer Haines
 Laura Ritzko
 And previously Daniel Tenero



September Special
 Jack Heller with fellow Hemingway wanna-be’s (contestants in the Key West Hemingway Look Alike Contest) were invited to Savannah for a visit by Michael Groover and his wife, Paula Dean. Jack tells me that Michael and Paula really made all the overweight dudes with white beards feel right at home. Not to mention they were fed real well… thanks to Paula. I think Michael has entered the contest for the last couple of years and Jack has been entering for more years than he will admit. It’s another reason to come to Key West in July and take it one step over the line.



New Website .........

We've updated our virtual Gift Shop online. Now it's a little easier to get your favorite Eden House gear delivered right to your doorstep. And don't forget, the  holidays are coming up, you know grandma would love an Eden House shot glass in her stocking this year! 

Our wedding website is also up and running. Check it  out, Kelsey is our island wedding guru and she's ready  to help you start planning the big day.

YOU COME HERE OFTEN?            

 Our lizard overlooking the pool bit the dust. He was put up there in late October or November of 1998 after Hurricane George. A couple friends and I rode that storm out in Room 421 and it was a long one. It lasted right around 36 hours. Some of the old Conchs say it the was the longest hurricane that they could remember. The eye was over us in the early afternoon and lasted for about an  hour then the back half of the storm hit. Another 18 hours of a category 3. Back to the lizard... He watched over us with pride and joy for a boatload of years. You will be greatly missed, ole mighty orange one.



Kieran Slattery and Gina Laboccetta have visited the Eden House 15 times… usually the week of St. Patrick’s Day. It is also Gina’s birthday week. Speaking of weddings, I just found out that Kieran and Gina plan to tie the knot this coming October. It’s about  time guys. They have been together for 17 years. Glad that they aren’t jumping into this wedding  with blinders on. Congratulations guys… see you next  winter.




Last but not least is the newest addition to the
family. Our new grandson, Camden Alexander
Lockwood was born April 28th. Coll and I had
two daughters and now we have two grandsons.
The best of both worlds. Camden is 6 weeks
old in this picture.

Here’s to the next forty (39)… better with age,
Mike and my band of merry makers   
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