March 2011

Mike Eden's New Office

Do You Come Here Often?

xmas tree

You Can't Get There From Here

I still think Pluto got a bum rap. Any thoughts? The planet, that is. While I am in a stupid mode ever think about where the abbreviations come from that people use for texting? Elizabeth sent me lol and I wasn't sure if it meant lots of love or lots of luck. Neither, it means laugh out loud. Go figure. There should be a course for old farts to keep us close to the curve. We will never be ahead curve so why try. It does get annoying always asking what does this mean or even worse acting like I have a clue. So lol.

race to fish

Race To The Finish

In January several teams for the Ragnar Relay Race stayed with us at Eden. The 300 plus teams consist of six or twelve bicycle riders and the race was ran from the mainland to Key West. There are numerous category winners and several of the top finishers were our guests. Of course everyone who participated were winners and even a few who did not were also winners. The Regular Mixed Masters, 2nd place went to the Cayo Huested Racers and 3rd place in the went to Conchy Tonchin. Fear the Kitty took 1st place for the best name and 3rd place in men submasters, were our guests at the Eden House. Fear the Kitty was Elizabeth's mother's team. Go mom.

Face the Music

Face The Music

Michael Doucet and his lovely lady, Sarah, recently stayed with at us and got to try out the newly renovated suite 303. The Alex Rutledge suite to you Tom Corcoran fans. Sarah and Michael gave the new renovation two thumbs up. Michael, as you well know, from BeauSoleil. The BeauSoleil Trio members of the big band, da) appeared at the 2nd annual Florida Keys Traditional Music Festival in Marathon, Florida. The festival is presented by the National Council For The Traditional Arts. The event takes place over the last Friday, Saturday and Sunday of January each year. I'm hoping to get the boy's/trio to play by the pool next January when they come down for the Marathon gig. I'll keep you posted.


Happy B-Day

You must have been a beautiful baby then again, maybe not. Come to the Eden House and celebrate your birthday, it's special to us too.  Stay with us on your ACTUAL birthday and get the 5th night free.  Stay with us for seven nights for your ACTUAL birthday and you'll get a night free as well as champagne and glasses.  This special can't be combined with another special or taken advantage of during special events or holidays.  Yes, we are checking IDs.   Are you really 21?  You look much older.

Mike Special

What's So Special?

My, Mike's special will end on the 31st of April and the drawing will be held on May 1st.  Everyone who has booked online will be automatically entered and eligible to win.  Yip, first class airfare for two to Key West with all the fixings.  A week in a deluxe room (off season), bicycles, champagne and glasses, dinner and breakfast at several of Key West's finest dining establishments as well as time on the water with the Sebago folks.  This has been my feeble attempt to get you guys to book online.

key west tp

Makes Ya Think

Here are a couple quotes that recently hit my hot button.  John Wayne was quoted in the Annapolis, Md. Capitol, "Life is tough, but it's tougher when you are stupid." J.R.R. Tolkien was quoted in the Associated Press, "It is the job that is never started that takes the longest to finish."  I think these are words to live by.  Can't you almost sometimes hear people saying, "I reserve the right to stay stupid?"     

fugees family store

Green Thumb Or Blue Feet?

Guests have been complimenting me on the plants around the hotel. Some guests have gone so far as to suggest that I have quite the green thumb. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is all due to the MARC House gang. Darren and his tree amigos' (Mikey, Teddy and Tristan) come by a couple times a week and sprinkle fairy dust and lots of TLC and walla. The beautiful pots have been purchased from the MARC House and they can be shipped. I think if they are shipped out of state to you they are tax free. How can you go wrong with a pair of these blue feet in your backyard?

like my nose

Like The Nose On My Face

If you feel inclined to leave something for your housekeeper while staying at the Eden House, I'd like to share something that my daughter Jessica recently enlightened me on while on a family get away.  She told me to leave the gratuity daily (on the pillow) rather than a lump sum when you check out.  This way, if your housekeeper is off the day you check out after an extended stay they get rewarded daily rather than squat as well as they will know if you are happy with the job they are doing on your room.  My daughter read this in a magazine.  I've been an innkeeper for well over 30 years and never gave this a second thought.  We live an learn.  Thanks Jess

lunch hammock

Lunch In A Hammock

Eden House is so pleased that Café Azur is now offering lunch by the pool. Menus are on the poolside tables and there is a poolside phone that calls the café. Pick up the phone and order the Hangover Helper or the In A Gadda Cibatta. Leave the lunch baskets by the phone and please keep lots of suntan lotion on the cute rosy cheeks. Less thinking and hassle for you and the poolside bar will be open before you know it. Bartender make mine a double, it has been a tough day. Oh yea, you have to make your own drink so go easy on the ice.


The Chair Saga

Elizabeth ordered a metal chair online.  It arrived many months later after numerous phone calls.  What a shock when the crate was opened.  A picture is worth a thousand words, maybe ten thousand words.  Long story short we now have a chair shrine in the library hammock area.  Stop by and check out our attempt at lemonade from lemons.    

key west chairs
eden house key west sign

A Work Of Art

Peter Green, of Peter Green Photography, recently did several photos of the Eden House.  As you can tell they aren't you every day instamatic 104 (showing my age, huh?).  These photographs are many takes and over many days.  I think they are right out of a fairy tale. These can't be real.  We have put some of them around the hotel, have them for sale in our gift shop and online and offer them with our packages.  If you have time go to Peter's web page and check his art, it is amazing.   As my niece, Lotus would say, TA DA.

Bob Rosa

You Will Be Missed

On a sad note one of our regulaaaars' recently passed away. Jane Rosa's husband, Robert drowned when the two of them were involved in a very bad winter accident in Indiana.  Our prayers go out to you.  Robert and his large bushy mustache will be greatly missed at the Eden House.



John Bunzick has been staying at the Eden House for longer than he will admit. The Bean Towner is showing his photography at Captain's Collection at 1102C Duval Street.  The Captain is located across from Flamingo Crossing, which is the home of the best ice cream on the island.  Many tropical and traditional flavors and only 12% butter fat.  That's why it's so darn good.  I recommend a single in a waffle cone.  Again, I transgress.  John's photos have some great shadows and I like shadows.  His work will be shown for the next few months. Check them out... the shadow knows.

Old Town Bakery

Baby Trashes Bar In Las Palmas

I know a lot of you have already seen this but I want to share it anyway.  It is called, Baby trashes bar in Las Palmas If you don't laugh out loud from this get your medication checked.  This has been a public service announcement. I'll see you on the rebound. 

Watch it

Old Town Bakery

Stranded in Paradise Policy

So sometimes we have to leave paradise but mother nature begs to differ! We have a new policy for the few of you who get their flights canceled. If you have documentation of your flight being canceled the day of your check out if we have availability we will offer you 50% off for that night's stay. (Offer subject to availability and a max of 3 nights at this rate.)



Hugs and kisses, Mike Eden

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