July 09

Our Website is launched!

The new Eden House web page is up and I feel like we just gave birth or won an Oscar.

I would like to take this moment to thank Peter Downie, Mike Mongo, Rob O’Neal, Aaron Eden, George Murphy, Tom Jackson, Elizabeth Ross and my parents. Tom Corcoran told me the writing of one of his past books was, “like passing furniture.” That is how this new site has been and it has been worth every bit of the pain. It might very well be the best web page in the world. You be the judge. Feedback will be tolerated thou not encouraged. We have been getting a few photos from past adventures but not many.

I promise, the photos will start appearing on the web page. I know you have heard this before. Wodumedia is working on an admin page as we speak. This time I really mean it. Check out Peter’s latest brain fart. If you want to stay on top of Key West this is the place to go – CoolKeyWest.com It is a new site but watch it grow.

Eden House Blog

I have just entered the fast lane. Yep, I am running with the big dogs, at least peeing with them.

I have a blog. I can’t believe it either. I am so nervous. Giving birth and now a blog….bear with me, please.

Stop by to say hi or add to the mayhem. Kurt Vonnegut says in ‘God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater’, “there are those that would bring order to chaos but I would bring chaos to order. I have arrived. Speaking of Tom Corcoran, he has just released his latest Alex Rutledge mystery, ‘Hawk Channel Chase’.

Tom has retained a good bit of that early Key West funk and it oozes out through his novels. He is also writing music with his friend, John Frinzi, and don’t be surprised when you see an album down the road. I will keep you posted.

Henrietta's Art of Baking

Henrietta’s Art of Baking has relocated to Midway, Georgia, which is a stone’s throw to Savannah. Henrietta is one of my favorite people in this world. She is so full of joy and love and it shows in everything she bakes.

You can order her world famous ‘Coconut Strips’ by emailing her at Henriettakw@aol.com The email on her web site is incorrect.

Henrietta’s phone number is 912-884-9891. Her Coconut strips cost – Originals $6.50, Key Lime and Chocolate $7.25 and Original Chocolate covered $8. She told me she just shipped a ‘red velvet cake’ to Orlando last week. Do yourself a favor and give her a call. When you place your order tell her Mike sends his love and if were me, I would buy a couple extra packs. If you have never had them you can’t even imagine how good they are.

I am placing an order right now.

Smell The Roses!

The MARC House is now taking care of Eden House’s plants. If you have a few seconds check out their web site. They are truly ‘reMARCable’ folks. They have already sprinkled some their ‘fairly dust’ around the property and the plants are going bonkers….my staff, too. Next time you are down, smell the roses.

Our New Project

Eden House is starting a new project. We are calling it, H.B. (Heather) Clark’s goes to college. She has been accepted in the masters program at Portland State (Oregon) sponsored by the Bullseye Glass people. To help make this possible, the Eden House will start raffling off Heather’s art/work/love. We will sell raffle tickets until the several pieces we have of hers are passed along. Jump over to the new ‘Regulaaaars’ page for details on the raffle and check out the all the winners in ‘appreciation’ drawing. Is it my imagination or is ‘regulaaaars’ growing more a’s? The orange lizard overlooking the pool on the sundeck is one of her creations. It has been there since 1998.


Latest winners for the ‘appreciation’ drawings are: Bill & Sharon Weber of New Britain, CT Staci Ray of Davenport, FL Jane Rosa of Richmond, IN Rob Kerr of Grimsby, Ontario. Kathy Kirby don’t give up, I can almost feel your postcard jumping into my hand. Kathy has sent in the most postcards of anyone. You guys have sent some great postcards, very unique. Keep those cards and letters coming in (only postcards). We will keep doing the drawings for at least another year. I am having too much fun. I never know what is going to come out of the manila envelope. The number of cards is adding up, I might be moving them to the old show box soon. Visit the 'Regulaaaars’ page

Great food in Key West

Cole’z Peace is back and they are better than ever. They are the ‘real deal’. I dare you to find a better quality sandwich on the island.

By quality I mean – DELICIOUS sandwich on freshly baked artisan bread, Boar’s Head meats and cheeses and only the finest tomatoes and lettuce. So get off that pool lounger and shuffle two short blocks to 1111 Eaton Street (next to the Restaurant Store). Don’t even think of leaving without at least one of those sweet treats. My favorite is the almond square. You can eat their bread like candy and it is much better for you. They are open from 8 AM til 2 PM Monday thru Saturday. Call ahead and the order will be waiting for you. 292-0703 Tell Richard and Kathy that Mike says hi.

Greek, Greek, Greek.....the Greeks are coming! Need I say more? Authentic Greek food. Great pizza, gyros, salads and baklava. Haven't tried the soup yet. If you do, let me know what you think. Taste Of Greece Bakery & Deli 1101 Truman Ave 293-6694 11 AM - 10 PM 'cept Sundays then 4PM til 10 PM


Guitar Dan and his lovely wife Betsy have been down this past week. They took in some of the song writer’s conference. Dan wanted me to say hi to the ‘November Gang’. Consider it done. We have been trying to break the gang up and I think we are starting to succeed. We have had a few additions and subtractions to the staff, but Pasha is still with us – her tenth year. We have been so blessed to have her. That’s about it at this end. Hope everyone on the mainland is doing well. I just had an idea for the blog. See ya, Mike and the gang